Saturday, June 5, 2010

Who do you say that I am?

This morning we spent time at Cesarea Phillipi
in the Golan Heights. We weren't planning on this visit, but after Meir shared with us (somewhat frustrated with Israeli politics) that Israel is considering giving the Golan Heights back to Syria, we decided it may be our last chance to visit.

We learn that Cesarea Phillipi was not a Jewish community in the time of Jesus. In fact, it was avoided by most Jews because it was considered unholy. This was because the city devoted itself to worshipping idols- false gods that they could pray to what they thought would satisfy their needs. God's like Pan. The half man half goat who danced around and played the flute. "Dancing goats produce more milk" The original Happy Cow Creamery. So they prayed to Pan so they would be more fruitful.

Anyway, Pastor began to share from Matthew 6. Jesus deliberately brought the disciples to this place. In the middle of a place where confusion reigned and every view about God or gods or whatever was taken as valid. Pastor shared that people would rather believe superstition than in God. Jesus looked to each of the disciples and asked, "Who do men say that I am?" The three names mentioned were all people that had died. (John the Baptist had just been beheaded and Elijah and Jeremiah were long gone.) He asked them this here to drive home the point that

people will believe a lot of things. We can be so deceived by the craziest of ideas, but Jesus asked them a question. He took this 3 day trip to ask them one question. Who do you say that I am? He was asking do you know me as these people think they know their little statue gods. Or do you know of whom I came and by what authority I speak. So the question to you is: Who do you say He is?

(Exerpt from our first day of touring, November, 2008.)

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