We were able to meet up with our guide from the last time, Nadar. He remembered our group.. Well he remembers when he walked Mari, James, Scott and I back to the Three Arches from our
lunch at Mundo Pizza. We laughed. We passed “Star and Bucks Coffee”. Will and I had a good laugh over that one.
Nadar spoke to us about Bethlehem. She is the city of kings. King David was born here, as was Jesus. He said that the name Bethlehem has different meanings in Hebrew and Arabic. In Hebrew, it is “House of Bread” and in Arabic “House of Meat”. He said, “so together… we make a good hamburger, yes?” ha-ha.
We entered Shepherd’s Field and Nadar led us to a beautiful vista of fields of Bethlehem. He shared with us that not only was this where the angels visited the shepherds, but this was also
Early this morning, the Lord told Pastor that Michelle would be sharing here. And she did so beautifully:
Jesus was born in this House of Bread. He was meant to be broken. I love the fragrance of fresh bread, but it is of no real use until it is broken.
Michelle said that she was overwhelmed when Nadar shared that these were the fields of Ruth and Boaz. Ruth and Naomi were so broken. We cannot comprehend the destitution of these widows. Naomi was coming back t
I am not sure if you have had or are going through the process of having your heart’s desires crushed. You ask God, “What are you doing to me? None of this makes sense!”
Ruth clung to her source of God, which happened to be her mother-in-law. She didn’t go back and she couldn’t stay where she was. Ruth clung to God and went in the direction He led. And out of her brokenness God brought her to Boaz, but she wouldn’t have gotten their without clinging to Him in her brokenness.
Cling to Him and eventually He will bring out His purpose. God is with us… in trial… in disappointment. He will fulfill His plan.
Out of her brokenness came the line of kings and our savior.
Jesus was born to be broken and die. Be encouraged. God never leaves us, nor forsakes us.
After Michelle’s sharing we had a quiet time to take in the view and the message. As we were looking over the fields, we saw different groups of shepherds and sheep. We enjoyed watching as one sheep wandered away from her fold and the shepherds were trying to get her back to where she needed to be. She wouldn’t have it! She kept trying to run to the other sheep that weren’t her family. Finally, she turned and went in the right direction a
We walked over to the caves and had a wonderful mini-service. I sang, “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly”, one of my favorite Christmas songs. Pastor shared that Jesus could have chosen to be born in Herodian or some place nicer, but He chose the most humble route. Over and over again he has chosen and chooses the lowly route. The God that says, “Do not murmur and complain, isn’t over in the corner murmuring and complaining about you.”
Will spoke up and said that many times the shepherds would lie at the entrance of the cave
We stepped up to the church of angels and a small Italian group was having Mass. We entered as they were finishing. Daddy said they were having a time of prescribed confession. Nothing to personal just an acknowledgement of the grace they had been given.
After they finished and were headed out the door, I sang Ave Maria.
We proceeded on to the Three Arches to get our shop on. We had a great time with Michael’s brother Maher, whom we met on our last trip. He was so funny! He said that they sold Judaica and they had such things like the mini Ark of the Covenant. He asked us what was in the ark. We replied Aaron’s staff, a jar of manna from heaven and the tablets to the Ten Commandments were etched on. He said, “No, I am sorry that is incorrect. This ark is empty” and he
Daddy and Maher had a wonderful time together. They talked technology and business. Daddy is good friends with Maher’s brother, Michael, but has never really had a chance to spend time with him. They had a wonderful time.
After a fabulous lunch, we went to visit the church of St. John the Baptist. Daddy had wanted us to come here because this morning God gave him a word to share about it:
The last time I was here was in 1983. When we approached the church there was a man laying on the ground begging for money. His legs were in very bad shape. There just so happened to be a doctor on our trip who recognized the condition this man was suffering from. This doctor just so happened to have connections at Hadassah Hospital and arranged for treatment for this man at no cost to him. When the doctor returned to tell him the good news, the man laughed and said, “Why would I want to be healed? I make more money as a broken man than I could ever work a lifetime for.” The doctor was shocked. He shared with the man tha
Pastor shared this word with us: God has been healing and offering to heal in this season. It is so important that we do not hold on to our way of doing things simply because they are familiar, easy and provide immediate satisfaction. We cannot assume that anything will be the same. There may be ideas, modes of operation, responses, etc that God is wanting us to let go of, so He can do a greater healing.
There are things in our lives that we are holding on to that are killing us. We don’t want to give them up, but what He has for us is far greater than what we are holding on to. We can’t even comprehend what He wants to share with us. We don’t give up what we are holding in order to receive, we give it because we love and trust Him. What do you have that you are not willing to let go of? Finances? Career? Relationships? In the end, retaining these things instead of going through God’s process will cost you. When the time comes, are you ready to yield?
The blogs have been awesome. Thank you for the excellant writtings.
I have so much that is in my heart due to your wonderful blog and the picture are like walking with you.
ReplyDeleteI just read Thurs and Wed. blogs to Tommy and Katherine, and I sensed such joy and rest. God is doing a work in our hearts here at home. The messages in the experiences of this trip are rich. Praise His Name.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to say..... Brokenness.......not willing to let go of. When the time comes, am I ready to yield? Thanks for sharings and pics to follow. Love you guys. Wish I could have gone shopping at the Arches.
ReplyDeleteI had a thought of what to share on Saturday night at church in TR, but god has instructed me I believe to use this blog as a stepping stone, particularly Mrs Michelle's portion. thank you for the continued feeding of us back home.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great pictures. It was evident that there is joy and peace in the camp. Engedi was beautiful. Was that some floating on the Dead Sea? You guys are getting around. Thanks for the pictures of Kathy and Kelsey. Excellent. Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever.