(Side note: Some of the most beautiful pictures… the birds and such. I had been sitting still on the rocks for so long that I surprised more than one bird! They were going about their morning peacefully having breakfast and the fluttered in surprise. It still make me chuckle.)
Throughout the evening before even till getting on the bus, I was heavy and restless in my spirit. I went to bed early just trying to keep still. Of course, if you go to sleep early, you wake even earlier, so I was up at 2 am working on the blog and loading pictures. Then my quiet time by the seashore was very pleasant, but there was still this heaviness. I approached my dad about it. He prayed for me. His prayer was for blessing. (Which as many of you know has been the theme of God’s “prayer requests” this last week.) The Lord helped him to pray for something he had never prayed for before. The gift of expression. I quietly received it and offered thanks to God, lifting my heaviness and He took it!! Praise the Lord.
We were on our way, driving along the seashore to the Mount of Beatitudes. David (Dah-VEED, our driver) and I were having a very interesting conversation… who knows why, but I asked him if he’d ever hit any animals with the bus. The answer was no, but it led to some interesting topics… anyway. I was in the middle of telling him about the black bears that live in our area (he was very interested in the bears) when all of a sudden, I casually look to the side of the road and said… “Oh, look a snake.” He exclaimed, “THAT WAS A SNAKE!” at which point I do not want to say He slammed on the brakes, but from the speed we were going to our stopping point took a little less time than it should. Haha. We were in the middle of a curve and he proceeds to back the bus up. Everyone in the back of the bus was very curious.
It was a large snake. Both he and Meir said it was poisonous. The funniest part was watching

*sigh* The Mount of Beatitudes! This is where I go in my mind! When I need to relax… when the doctor is taking blood, when the plane is taking off… when I am the least bit afraid, I use my divine imagination to return to this mountain. It offers the most spectacular view of the place the Son of God chose to spend his time. It is beautiful!
Meir shared with us in front of the octagonal church that has a side for each Beatitude:

Why would Jesus choose here to share the Beatitudes with us? Because just like each of you He must have sighed and said, “Wow… this is so beautiful!” He said these poetic words because He wanted to express what He felt when He saw what God had made here.
1 And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. 2 Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying
3 “ Blessed are the poor in spirit,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
For they shall be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
For they shall inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
For they shall be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
For they shall obtain mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
For they shall see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
For they shall be called sons of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Meir taught us a new Hebrew word: “Ashre” (AhSH-Ray) It means “Happy will be” This is the word Jesus used instead of Blessed. This is future tense. (it reminds me of a prescription).
We walked down to a small garden of stones under tall trees and gathered for sharing and a time of prayer. Mrs. Barbara was experiencing a similar heaviness to mine earlier. So several of the ladies gathered around her. Pastor explained that God was placing a different kind of burden upon

He asked Heidi to pray. He believe the seed to be planted was to be one of healing. He said specifically that God was longing to accomplish life-giving healing… The Lord was wanting to extend some lives through this prayer! He said it was for you! Yes, you reading this blog right now sitting at home in your bathrobe… and to you at lunch checking the computer, or having it read to you over the phone. This prayer is for at least nine churches that are looking over our shoulders as we make this pilgrimage. He shared that God has been watching how you have received what He is doing for us here and wants to give you more!
Heidi prayed:
“Lord, you want to accomplish this healing! Lord send revival all over. We pray it up for others! Water these seeds, NOW! For the people yet to come.”
He had the power to heal them all!
Pastor shared. Look at this view. This is where the disciples gathered and heard, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
In one translation it says, “Blessed are they that recognize their spiritual need.”
In Exodus, God led His people through the Wilderness, I could not have even began to imagine the path God has had me on in my life.

In Genesis, the Lord said, “Cursed is the ground for your sake.” This bumps and dead ends on our road cause us to have to move one. We’d like to stay in this shaded spot on the mountain forever, but we must press on that’s what these thorns are for.
We must look at the difference between “Cursed is the ground for your sake” and “blessed are they that recognize their spiritual need.” They are both causing us to recognize our need. The difference comes in your attitude to such adjustmensts. (Just like in Sunday school, the “Be” Attitudes!)My aunt always said you can learn by listening or you can learn by feeling. It really is your choice.
The cares and situations of life come to get our attention, but what if we give it to Him to begin with? This tranforms the thorns into a crown and He becomes king over your thorns. He gives a peace that is given in the middle of the storm. Lord, don’t you care? Can’t you just help me a little?
These thorns are helping us. The key is to trust Him in the storm. He wants you to learn to be

Real revival and revelations come in small ways. It is in the quiet ways he really transforms us. When life is terrible, DON”T GET USED TO IT! He is doing His best to get us to the character we are supposed to have. The weeds that choke out life are our attempts to save ourselves, when He is telling us to let things go. Let them die. God is waiting for good seed. Live in reference to Him.
We went from there to the Primacy of Peter. The Lord was true to His word, He really helped me to express myself about this place:
Would you have ever thought someone would have built a church over a breakfast table? We have all had a place like this in our lives…. Where we have shown how gifted we are in really just messing everything up. This is where Peter was. Peter throughout His time with Jesus talked about how he would defend him, and how he believed. Jesus told him that he was going to deny Him, but he couldn’t hear it… who could? When the time came all of Peter’s proclamations meant nothing. He denied. Then Christ died. His last moments with Him, he denied him totally. That would be pretty bad… what could be worse… Well, maybe… Jesus coming back to life. What could Peter say or do to make up for what he did. I mean, Jesus knew before Peter did. There was no wiggling out of this one.

Pastor always shares with us that when you walk away from the path God has you on, you don’t simply get to start back with Him right where you are, you must retrace your steps. This is what Jesus did for Peter… “Do you love me?” He asked three times to replace the three times he denied. Peter had taked the elevator down three floors and Jesus brought him back up those three floors.
Ealier Pastor shared that the “thorns are for our sakes.” This process was for Peter’s sake. Can you imagine this man leading the infant church while still dealing with some of the issues he was facing. Jesus needed him ready. Poor Peter had to do a crash course. He had only moments for a process that takes many of our lifetime to walk through. Yield to the Lord. Remember how gracious He is. Have breakfast with him on this seashore. Be reminded of the real truth… “yes, Lord, you know I love you.”

Capernahum…. Can someone say HOT? 105 degrees outside, but for the one that stepped off the bus, they had a wonderful time. ;)
We stepped into the Jesus Boat Facilities. We had a great time of singing. Unfortunately, Alex an Tova were not in today, but we had a great time with the lovely young men and women there.
A Beautiful young lady shared with us about the Tallit (or prayer shawl) and how it is used. Some of the highlights were that the Tallit is considered the “prayer closet or prayer tent”. A mini-tabernacle of sorts where one can have a private moment with God in a pblic place. Heidi became our model. The young lady went on to texplain that there was one not for every commandment in the law… 163! The weight of 163 laws to keep. Heidi said… “Wow that’s heavy!!”
The length of the garment joined in the hands was called the wings. Then it was explained that

the ‘hem’ of the garment was the tassle hanging from the garment. This is where the woman with the issue of blood reached out for… “If I could but touch the hem of His garment.” The “wings” and the “hem” are in the same place fulfilling the scripture: “But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings.” Malachi 4:2
Beautiful… especially in reference to the prayer made for each of you! Touch the hem today!
I believe the Boat we come to see here was the boat that Jesus was sleeping in, when His disciples asked, “Lord, don’t you care, we are perishing?” After two thousand years, the boat they were afraid was going to sink, was still intact! It even sailed! Jesus said, “Peace, be still.” And it is still in effect!
Ok… this is so cool! We were watching the video explaining how they found the 2000 yeard old boat and how they had such an interesting time extracting it. The wood was so wet that to much movement and it disintegrated, but they only had a few days before the water level rose again. So, they finally decided to cover the boat in foam and float it to a place where they could lift it out of the water safely.

We had a wonderful time of worship on the boat ride. Singing about the goodness and faithfulness of God. “The House Where Your Live”, “All things Are Possible”, “Praise to the Lord the Almighty.” When we sang “Healer” the atmosphere was so sweet. Many lifted their hands in prayer and thanksgiving!
You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas

You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease
I trust in You, I trust in You
I believe You're my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my Portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands
Thank you for another wonderful time of sharing, I believe and receive the testimony of healing. Thank you for your gift of expression, allowing us to "touch the hem of His garment". Praying God's blessing on each one of you. And Happy Father's Day to all of you fathers, especially to George...isn't everyday you send father's day with your son in the land of the Father and the Son!
ReplyDeleteThankful for the prayer of life giving healing. Recieve it. May we all touch the hem of his garment. I love the pics of the sunrise on the Sea of Galilee brings back memories. Happy fathers day WIll love ya. May we trust Him in the storm and to be happy no matter what may be going on because He will be with us, if you let Him. Lord help me to let You. Love ya'll, continue with God plans and see you soon.
ReplyDeleteI see my post from this morning didn't make it - I think I forgot the code "thingy". Essentially I said, "Thank you for the sharing. We recieve the healing from Galilee to Heaven to Texas. Praise the Lord"
ReplyDeleteI went on to church wondering what God might have in store along this line. After a couple of hymns and Pastor sharing about things God had done, he paused and asked "where do we go from here?" Ronnie stood and shared she had it on her heart to anoint and pray for certain ones for healing and several came forward. After praying for each one of those she continued around the congreagation and prayed for several more as she felt led for 17 minutes or so, I lost count of how many. I then shared about your blog I read this morning. A very wonderful time for which we praise the Lord!
By the way, Pastor Parker had his father here with him for the past two Sundays with us and "Big Daddy's" face lights up the room. He is a wonderful person of God.
We receive the healing God has for us tonight. It was something to read this to Tommy and Katherine Richardson and know that those who were having this read to them over the phone were receiving healing. I called my sister in Phoenix after reading the blog (I had talked to her earlier) and she is going to read this. We believe it; We receive it; it is done.
ReplyDeleteI've experienced some of the heaviness several were mentioned as having...I receive the prayer for growth of the seeds God has planted. I know God is moving throughout His world, and wan to be right in the center of it.