Pastor directed our attention to the Pilgrim Steps. He explained to us that these steps up to the Presence of God that dwelled at the Temple were purposely made irregular. Some were 4 ft. wide, some 6. They alternated in a random pattern. This was done, so that anyone ascending the hill of the Lord must pay attention and focus on what he was doing. He couldn’t get in a routine of trudging up to meet with God; it had to have been done prayerfully and thoughtfully. We were encouraged to proceed through our day in much the same way today. Each step being conscious of where we are and who we are with.
We stepped into the Chapel of Tears Garden. Meir pulled us aside and shared with us that this place was not only where Jesus wept over Jerusalem, but it was also where David wept over Absalom. Even though his son had tried to kill him, he still cried out, “Oh God tak
Meir continued: In much the same way, Jesus looked upon this city, his son, and wept, asking God to take Him instead even though he knew they were going to kill Him. This time God heard that prayer. (Wow!)
I must make mention right here. In this evening’s service Pastor shared that normally, He spent this time identifying with what Christ suffered on this hillside. It was easy to allow whatever suffering occurring in our own hearts to echo through what Jesus suffered in prayer in these very places, but that was not where we were at in our hearts today. Person after person shared that they were just peaceful. Sometimes it made some of us feel a little distant, but then when we would listen to our hearts we knew that we were exactly where He wanted us at peace.
You see, God has been doing so much healing in the different lives walking this walk. We don’t have to try and work anything up, to experience something. For years, Pastor has shared with us that when God is trying to get our attention, He touches our weakest spot, but what happens when your weakest spot is no longer there? The soulish part of experiencing Him and hearing from Him is left in the wind. Pastor has been sharing that He is having to relearn how to do almost everything because it was all done before based on the mentality that he was failing…. Failing people, himself and God. But now it is God’s divine nature that is healing from the inside out. (If you are interested in more, please listen to the sermons on xwalls.com/resources. God is still speaking this promise.)
Anyway, so we are all in this place of peace. We step in the Garden of Gethsemane on the side where the Church of All Nations is. Meir shared very sweetly that the atmosphere of this Garden is like no where else in the world. He said to us, “Now, don’t forget, I am Jew, but I still feel something incredible happened here.” (we chuckled together and I said, “How could I ever forget with you are Jewish!” Haha…We all laughed for a minute) I know there is something very special about this place!
He brought to our attention the 2000 year old olive trees in front of us. He said that olive trees do not die (unless diseased), they continue to grow and the outer part begins to wither but new life shoots out from the inside out! Pastor and I l
We had a sweet time of prayer in the side Garden of Gethsemane. Pastor shared on the Weight of Glory vs. the Light Affliction. He pointed out that at the top of this mountain was the church that memorializes “Teach us how to pray.... (Our Father, which art in heaven…) and at the base of the mountain is where Jesus came to pray. When He needed to release this prayer, he came here. Pastor asked us, if anyone had a prayer request to please ask.
David believed God’s healing for his foot and testified tonight that God had touched Him and it no longer was plaguing Him.
James (Doss) spoke up and asked for prayer. Pastor said, “I am glad you did. Now stand and pray for your children.” The Holy Spirit fell so sweetly as he prayed for the children God was about to give us.
Michelle shared that when we stepped into the Garden she had become heavy and
Heidi spoke up and said that she knew God was working in her right then, but she didn’t know what it was. Pastor believed that God was longing to resurrect her prayer calling. After having been used, over and over again to “perform” in prayer to stir up the anointing, Heidi and even Michelle who share a very similar calling are left with the residue of the carnality they had to press through to find Jesus. We had prayer that God would remove this, and release them both into their calling. That they would have more joy in their private times of prayer than anywhere else, rather than suffering through it.
Before we left, the song “If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee was on my heart, but I was going to hold steady, unless Pastor asked… and he did ask. Jesus is so good. I had been thinking about this song since early morning and I had wanted Meir to hear it (I don’t know why…) but he had had to step away and take a phone call. When I stood to sing, he had heard me and came running… haha… pulling up a chair and just bathing in it. It made my heart smile! Here are the words written in the 1600’s:
“If thou but suffer God to guide thee,
and hope in God through all thy ways,
He’ll give thee strength, whate'er betide thee,
and bear thee through the evil days.
Who trusts in God's unchanging love
builds on the rock that naught can move.
Only be still, and wait God's leisure
in cheerful hope, with heart content
to take whate'er thy Father's pleasure
and all-discerning love hath sent;
No doubt our inmost wants are known,
for Him who chose us for His own.
Sing, pray, and keep His ways unswerving;
so do thine own part faithfully,
and trust His word; though undeserving,
thou yet shalt find it true for thee.
God never yet forsook at need
the soul that trusted God indeed.”
Another group began to sing in Italian, up on the hillside and we just listened joyfully for awhile it was beautiful.
We went from there to St. Peter of Gallacantu. This is the place where Jesus was imprisoned before His crucifixion and where Peter denied Christ. We stepped down into the dungeon prison and Pastor asked me to sing “Were You There?”
I don’t know what happened, but there was some kind of stirring. It fell on all of us! People started pressing to look through the windows. One beautiful and distinguished lady pressed past Meir to get in the room with us. (He is always so careful that we are not disturbed in our worship times, just one more thing I love about him!) He allowed her in to worship with us. It was beautiful.
We stepped outside. Pastor and Meir began to discuss what was next on the agenda for the day. If there is one thing I have learned about my dad and Meir, it is that they do business in a very ….. very direct manner. All of the group was eavesdropping into their conversation and I didn’t want anyone to think they were upset with each other, because I knew they weren’t. People…. Phlegmatic people always get a little nervous when two cholerics are working out a solution. I wanted to give them space to figure out what we were going to do next without everyone having to experience the process. So I stepped to the side and began to sing… as a diversion for the group. I began to sing Pie Jesus from Faure’s Requiem. Pastor told me later that he and Meir had a hard time continuing to talk. Meir turned to Daddy and said, “I could just sit and listen to her sing all day. When she sings something deeper always comes out.” They both agreed on that subject. While I was singing, the Lord spoke to Pastor and said that we would not be going to the City of David. He did however help us to know that we would be going to Castel.
Castel…. Sigh… (and I just did. ) Many of us have been reading a series of historical fiction that chronicles the struggle Israel pressed through in her war for Independence in 1948. Castel is one of those battlegrounds that turned the tide for Israel. Pastor asked that when we hiked to the top of the mountain, he wanted Heather and Elizabeth (me) to share about what meant so much to them in this place. Knowing that we were both passionate about it. (He told us to speak from the heart and that Meir would correct our details)
God helped me to share about the battle. The overwhelming odds against the men that fought and died here. You see this was the only road between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. This was the only way they could get supplies into the city and yet there was a group of Arabs militants that would blow up any transit vehicle coming down this path. On this mountain they could see anyone coming from a long ways away. The Jewish resistance knew to ensure the safety and arrival of medical supplies and food they must overtake this…. Fortress basically. I shared about their passion. Meir and I had a wonderful conversation as we ascended the mountain about how there is a difference between fighting from orders and fighting for your life and your family.
Michelle spoke up and said that at Harvard University there are classes in military tactics, but they do not study Israel’s methods because too many unusual miracles occur. They can’t be explained away.
Meir shared that when officers in the Israeli military are sent to training school they are trained in warfare from the Bible. And the person they are told to imitate is none other than…. Gideon (those at Christ Fellowship can get excited; this is where Jesus has had us in the last weeks and months!)
So… Heather began to share about the people in Jerusalem who were waiting desperate for food and medicine. She wept as she shared that time was
Pastor spoke up and shared that this wasn’t some ancient occurrence, this happened only a little while ago and as evidence to that fact. Our driver David, a relative of his father had died before the taking of Castel. The truck of supplies they were trying to drive into the Old City was blown off the road. He sacrificed his life trying to help. Then Pastor shared that Meir and his family were living in the Old City at the time and were on the other end waiting for provisions. Both representations… those fighting and those desperate for help had been walking with us… this whole time! Wow!!!
Meir went on to share that God had ordained Israel to return to her country. This was evident in the many miracles. The world tried to say that the Jewish people had no right to this land, but God continued to have evidence come out during this season that proved the opposite. The Dead Sea Scrolls were found just before the war of Independence. Proving that there was an ancient Jewish voice that belonged in this land. The other evidence was at Masada, when they began excavations there. A piece of the To
Sigh! I have so much more to share about the rest of this day and even these moments and I am hoping to get to them. The service tonight was amazing in review and revelation and I want to share that with you all, but I too must be on that bus, fed and ready to obey God! I will post more soon, but let this wet your appetite!
ReplyDeleteWonderful as usual. Cold chills and hairs raising...as if I am hearing your voices...seeing the sights, feeling the moving of Holy Spirit. Praying that God continues to get you where you need to be and that all hearts are receptive...God Bless You, Pilgrims!
ReplyDeleteCold chills as I read the blog. The olive trees and from the inside out, wonderful. Loved hearing about places I have not been yet.I am loving the blog I look forward to it everyday, it is as if I am there, and I am in spirit. Love ya'll and may God have His way.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! And your title hymn was the last one God led for here in Texas on Sunday and we were encouraged to review it all week. Amazing isn't it?
ReplyDeleteWhat tremendous experiences. God is working. Teri had a wonderful sharing in church tonight. Elizabeth, God is helping you share in such a great way. The Lord strengthen you in all ways. Thanks for capturing some of the moments when Mier is sharing and how God is leading Pastor and how burdens are being lifted, and how freedom is coming to lives. We reviewed tonight how we are getting in on the blessing of this trip. This trip seems like none I have heard about. Elizabeth, only one thing. Take a few more pictures of Kathy, please. Just kidding. Well, not really. Give her a hug for me. We are praying. The blog is a great blessing.
ReplyDeleteAmazing our G_d is amazing. I had just read about the olive trees this morning. How they out live most other fruit trees. How they like Israel and the Jewish people have outlived all the empires that have enslaved them or tried to destroy them. Even in very old trees, shoots are able to spring up and bring new life. Despite persecution Israel has increased.
ReplyDeleteNo weapon formed against you shall prosper. Is 54:17 I can not wait to read more.
Thank you so much for your faithfulness to share experiences. We are walking vicariously with you all. I wish I could hear you sing, Elizabeth!