This simple prayer… its true every time. Every time a little part of me shifts. The furniture of my heart-house gets rearranged in a more pleasing, more functional way. That is where I am, about this latest trip to Israel. Yes, we are going to see amazing sites with the most wonderful people, but I also have this current running deep within me that God is going to be doing a deep work within many on the trip… Me, being one of them.
I have learned on my 11 trips that it is as important to have your spiritual ears wide open, as it is to have your passport. Lol. (Like how I dropped that hint there.
“Seven times in the Greek Scriptures, and only from the lips of the Lord Jesus, there occurs the expression "If any man have ears to hear, let him hear!" “ This Auburn Unisversity article goes on to express:Jesus uses this phrase before and after the interpretation of the parable of the Sower:
[This] “typifies the Word of God as the Seed, Christ Himself as the Sower, and the resultant crop shows the result of Gods Word in the lives of men. The usual trinity of evil, the Adversary, the Flesh and the World, hinder its progress towards fruitfulness, and only one class out of the four described, represented by His disciples, were really fruitful, and only a few of these in abundant measure…
But since men reject Him, the bulk of the Seed in all the earth is "wasted" as we say--much more is wasted than ever comes to fruition. The sowing, and the effect of the sowing, is very closely connected with the phrase "If any man hath an ear to hear, let him hear!
The formula is very significant, for though openly and apparently He speaks to all, He speaks in such language that only those who have spiritual perception will apprehend what He is saying. The rest hear the words, but do not grasp the meaning; the multitude have no ears to hear, all will be wasted upon them."Read the Full article HERE.
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