Well, to say our journey began with some unexpected issues is pretty much laughable. It kind of felt like... you know... anything that might go wrong, will go wrong... oh and let’s do it all with little to no sleep. (For me that’s 5 hours of sleep for 2 and a half days) Our international flight was delayed for 16 hours. For reason after reason. Storms, crew changes, etc.
But just as much as the negative unexpected trials... there came forth this beautiful essence from among every heart of unexpected glory. It was more than just blind following, it was a group of forty people that were doing their best to choose to make the best of a really rotten hand we were dealt. What was amazing is that it caught the attention of many of the people with which we crossed paths!
I think of the older gentleman that was the last shop open in the Greenville airport. He asked where we were headed. Israel. “Oh is it safe?” We assured him that it was. We told him how many times we had traveled. We asked him, if it was ok if we prayed for him and took his name to the Western Wall. “What is that?” We got to share some scripture and an invitation to invite God to bless his life. “Oh sure... my name is Barry.” James said... “I can remember that. That’s my father’s name.”
How about Grace of Harrisburg. This woman worked tirelessly for the Texas group to make sure they made it to their flight. Obstacle after obstacle stood in their way. Like a two hour holding pattern over Newark that ended in having to be rerouted to Harrisburg, PA for refueling. After staying the night in surrounding hotels, they find out their flight has been canceled. They pile in vans. Some sitting on the floor of vans for the 2.5 hour drive. Grace, the agent’ handled the issues like the professional she is, but even she had
to admit: “something doesn’t want you to make it to Israel and I know who that Someone is...”. By the end of their time with her, she said, “wow... I feel like I have played a part in making sure you get to everything you are supposed to on this journey. James and Jackie asked if they could pray for her as well. The redirecting to Harrisburg may have just been for that one heart!
to admit: “something doesn’t want you to make it to Israel and I know who that Someone is...”. By the end of their time with her, she said, “wow... I feel like I have played a part in making sure you get to everything you are supposed to on this journey. James and Jackie asked if they could pray for her as well. The redirecting to Harrisburg may have just been for that one heart!
Roby, Meir and our new sweet guide Anat met us in the lobby. This always reminds me of what entering heaven will be like. Your friends embracing you after a long hard sojourn. They see the weariness of our travel days and want to get us to a place to clean up, get refreshment and begin heavenly adventures... lol.
As we drove to the hotel, Meir shared: “I don’t care where you were born. You came here to discover your roots. Your roots of your faith of your inheritance are here: Jerusalem.
‘If I forget you, O Jerusalem,
Let my right hand forget its skill!
If I do not remember you,
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
Above my chief joy.’
Psalms 137:5-6
You’ll step where Jesus carried the cross. It is built on the Rock of Foundation. We believe on of the first things God created was the mountain Jerusalem is built upon. Abraham offered Isaac.
(Elizabeth speaking here: it caught in me... he didn’t sacrifice Isaac. He thought he was. Abraham thought He would have to carry out the sacrifice. He offered His son as sacrifice. Isaac was an offering, but God provided the Lamb! I’m going to have to think on this more and really explore what God was trying to show me. Tired brain could not compute it)
Meir continued: “I am fifth generation Jerusalemite. We believe Jerusalem is the center of the world. It all started here. (It will restart here) Jerusalem has had many names: City of Gold, City of Copper, City of Jesus... but also City of Wars. It has been destroyed and rebuilt over 30 times. Have you heard of any other city that has had to rebuild over 5 times? We are still here because our roots go deep.
You are most welcome in the city. City of Jerusalem.”
We were all dragging, but none of us wanted to miss a whole day. So our group arrived at the hotel at 11:30am, showered and then took off
for lunch in the Jewish Quarter and was it crowded! This will be my 11th trip and I don’t remember it being this crowded. We all found us some street food and people watched. (Or started off into space... I mean jet lag you know?!)
for lunch in the Jewish Quarter and was it crowded! This will be my 11th trip and I don’t remember it being this crowded. We all found us some street food and people watched. (Or started off into space... I mean jet lag you know?!)
We made our way down to the Western Wall and had a time of prayer. Meir shared with us that when Herod rebuilt the temple their needed to be retaining walls built around the mountain and then filled in to make the platform level for where the temple stood. There was a northern retaining wall, an eastern and a Western Wall. This is the Wall in front of us that people come to pray at.
He said that there is a tradition held around the reason the Western
Wall was the only one not destroyed by the Romans. Herod needed to pay for the Temple so he had a special tax. Everyone was heavily taxed including the poor. They had to give almost everything they had. It is said it was the taxes of the poor that built this Western Wall. That’s why it wasn’t destroyed. God honored their sacrificial giving by protecting it. He loves when we give all.
Wall was the only one not destroyed by the Romans. Herod needed to pay for the Temple so he had a special tax. Everyone was heavily taxed including the poor. They had to give almost everything they had. It is said it was the taxes of the poor that built this Western Wall. That’s why it wasn’t destroyed. God honored their sacrificial giving by protecting it. He loves when we give all.
Pastor could see the group was fading. So we were back at the hotel by 3:30pm. In an effort to stay awake our crew went on walks, etc.
Some of our group joined the Texas group for a beautiful event: A wedding! Yep! Two of their young people, Travis and Ashley along with their leaders prayed several months ago about holding their ceremony in Israel. It was like a flash mob wedding. Their Israeli florist provided plain stems of flowers that we handed to every lady to hold and line the aisle way.
Side note: my dad had this idea in a dream. The bouquets for the ladies, were then used as table decoration. He saw purple flowers... we shared the idea with the bride Ashley and she loved it. So that’s what we did. Bouquets turned to center pieces. But what was rally cool is I heard one of the servers come up to Mrs. Susanna, touching the large blooms... kind of in awe he said: “these are: ****. They’re are only in bloom for a short time in spring. And yes... they were purple.
Lamb. Come, Lord Jesus.
Praise God!