Tuesday, November 20, 2012


An air of solemn holiness covers the area of the Western Wall after the sun goes down. The lights illuminating this place of prayer reflect off of the highly polished stone giving the impression that liquid amber saturates the pathway of desiring hearts and desperate needs. People have been coming to this place for many years not just to mourn the loss of the Temple, but to walk by faith in the belief that the word of God still is as true today as when He spoke these words to King Solomon:

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.  For now I have chosen and sanctified this house, that My name may be there forever; and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually.” 2 Chronicles 7:14-16

Last night, the people we love stood in this place and turned their eyes toward heaven. They came to tour the tunnels that run along the Western Wall to see what the original wall looked like. You see Jerusalem has been destroyed and rebuilt so many times that there are layers upon layers. Israel has excavated these tunnels so that you can literally walk back in history, past the walls there in Jesus’ time to Nehemiah to those of King David. It makes one feel like Indiana Jones on quest for a sacred archaeological artifact.

However, it was not an artifact that they found tonight. It was a kairos- a divine moment where heaven intersects earth.

 On this trip, our crew brought a very special prayer request to the Lord. Many, many years ago, God established a kingdom relationship between Pastor Oliver Hogue and Rabbi Kohler. On one of the high Jewish holidays, a part of the festivities is to present an offering. It was on Pastor Hogue’s heart to take up an offering at Scott Depot Christ Fellowship and give to the synagogue (the only synagogue) in Charleston, WV. Rabbi Kohler was speechless… Ok not quite speechless… “But you are a Gentile…” Pastor Hogue basically responded with: “Who loves and honors his Jewish brother.” This has begun a lifelong friendship of miraculous stories and trips to Israel. God has laid on Pastor Hogue’s heart to pray for Rabbi Kohler’s healing. You see, the Rabbi has been diagnosed with shingles of the eyes which has left him blind. We believe there is an assignment of divine healing scheduled for this Man of the Book. Would you please pray? The pilgrims at the Western Wall had a God-filled time of agreement for him. And what a precious gift, a different kind of an offering, made by this crazy bunch of Gentiles in one of the holiest Jewish sites for a Jewish rabbi. God works in beautiful ways.

This meeting continued with a very special confirmation. Pastor Jerry Keller turned to Kindra Keller, (his most beautiful daughter-in-law) and God led that he was to confirm the gift of prophecy upon her. More than that, that she would operate in the lineage of Anna:

“Now there was one, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; and this woman was a widow of about eighty-four years, who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.  And coming in that instant she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem.”

“Praise God for this fresh anointing for Kindra!”

So ended their first day of this amazing adventure.

Pastor Thomas woke around 4am and texted Pastor Kathy that he was praying for Pastor Jerry and also to please thank Meir, our guide, in person for the scriptures he sent while he was in the hospital (yesterday’s post included them). Being that it was almost lunch time in Israel, Pastor Kathy wrote back explaining that they were in the Garden of Gethsemane. Pastor Jerry asked why Pastor Thomas was up in the middle of the night? Meir answered, “Oh, he is probably at his desk with three computer screens in front of him.” Pastor Thomas responded, “I am up listening to scripture and considering God’s blessing… and yes I have four screens going.” I can just se Meir shaking his head and smirking.

Today, they walked the Triumphal Entry, spent time in the Garden of Gethsemane and also made their way to the Pilgrim Steps.

Pastor Kathy shared that as she walked through the entry way of the place at the top of the Mount of Olives where The Lord’s Prayer is written in many languages, she felt the Lord impress her to pray for the nations. She looked to Pastor Jerry, “Pray for the nations?” He looked at her and said, “God just told me to pray for the nations.” We gathered those close by for prayer.

Those of you following along closely. Please pray! Our friends and family are tasting of the strain of what life is like in country under attack. Some of the travelers who have been many times, are keenly aware of the high state of alert Israel and her people are at. Pray that they get to their assignment and are covered by God’s protection. Your prayer may be their breakthrough.


  1. Have been praying and interceeding for you all. Know that this is truly God's Divine Appointment for you all. You are loved and prayed for. Pastor Jerry, Taylor, Kindra, Molly Keller are special to my heart as well as the others from Tabernacle Fellowship. I went to Israel with Pastor Jerry two times and also with Joe Nance and Molly. They were life changing times for me. May the prophetic continue in deeper and fuller ways to you all.

  2. I'm interested to know if you have more information! I'm formerly Katie Byrne, daughter of Rev. Joseph Byrne from Milton, WV. I attended school for two years at TVCS, and went to Shabbat services with my father many times. My dad went twice to Israel with this group, in the early 1980's. I would be thrilled to hear if you have photos or recordings of those trips! Or if they were online somewhere. E-mail me directly at me@libertyzen.com if you prefer.
