Now, Daddy has been trying to do his best to finish touring
around 2pm. That’s our aim. For several reasons really… To give people a chance
to reflect on what they are seeing and hearing. To allow people to rest and to
get us out of the hottest part of the day. Well, this day, things didn’t go as
planned. Pastor Thomas had asked for a noon boat ride, but it wasn’t scheduled
till 2:30pm. Even though we arrived at the boat at noon we were going to have
to hang out for quite awhile.
This did open up an unusual viewpoint. Pastor Jerry showed
us how to get to the rooftop observation deck, which offers a panoramic view of
Galilee. It was breathtaking!
Pastor was a bit distraught because our group was just
having to find places to just hang out or lay around on benches, etc. (This
made for some unusual photo shoots by none other than Mari… “Give me couture,
not JC Penney!”) Yet, Pastor felt like he was disappointing people, etc.
It was almost time to get on the boat. Daddy was sitting
there pretty low, but Doug, Pastor Jerry, Pastor Joe and Meg came to him having
been on the roof in quite the prayer meeting. Daddy expressed his griefs… and
they said “No, not at all. God has been with us in this place. We wouldn’t
trade this delay for anything.” Pastor Thomas kind of looked them, “really? ….
“Ok, I can receive that.” So they had prayer to get clear, for him and he
prayed for Meg and his load lifted significantly.
We stepped on the boat. There was such a sweet happiness
just to be moving on. As is the custom, the sailors fly the colors of Israel
and whatever nation is represented on the boat. We stood to sing the US
national anthem as they raised our flag.
Pastor Joe shared later that when we sang our anthem the
wind was blowing in such a way that the Israeli flag was behind the American
flag, he said that God showed him Israel was protecting America in the behind
the scenes. Then we sang Hatikvah the Israeli national anthem and the wind
shifted and God should him America needed to be rightly related with Israel.
Finally, I sang He Ne Mah Tov, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is when
brothers live in unity.” Pastor Joe said the wind shifted again and the colors
were flying side by side. We prayed for the unity of our two countries…
Pastor Jerry stood and asked the group what their favorite
Galilee story was. People answered, Jesus
walking on water. Jesus drawing to a
solitary place to pray. Jesus calming the storm. Pastor Jerry said all of those
stories are wonderful, but your favorite Galilee story should be your own. You
have follow in the footsteps of Jesus to be here. He has something special for
each one. He began to share with us that during the lowest point of his life,
he felt God beckon him to Israel. He called and Roby said, “no problem”. When
Roby met Pastor Jerry in the airport, he said that Pastor looked so low he was
not going to leave him, but go with him. How wonderful… Pastor Jerry said that
being here by himself, he was at a loss of what to do… he had no group to take
to holy sites, etc. Roby was driving them around the Sea of Galilee in the
pouring rain. Pastor Jerry’s heart was about to explode from grief… he finally
just said, “can you pull over, I’m going to walk… I’ll find you, you’ll find
me.” Roby, “No problem.” Pastor Jerry got out of the car and began to walk and
walk. He was thankful for the rain because it masked his tears and grief in its
flow. He poured His heart out before God. He had walked almost a mile when he
came to the walkway that had been built for the pope in 2000 (The pope never
showed up, by the way. Pastor Jerry said he thought it might have been made for
him.) When he began to walk on this grand walkway, the Lord spoke very strongly
within him, “I am not finished with you.” Pastor Jerry said something just
realigned within him and peace flowed over him. He knew it was going to be ok.
He didn’t know how, but he was going to be okay. Roby found him somewhere around
the primacy of Peter and they road back to Tiberius together.
Pastor Jerry shared this to say, his very personal, very
real interaction with God was his favorite Galilee moment. He encouraged us to
seek and find a very personal connection with God in the next moments and days…
It was on his heart that we sing, “We Speak to Nations”.
Hear the sound
The sound of the nations calling
Hear the sound
The sound of the fatherless crying
Who will go for us
Who will shout to the corners
Of the earth
That Christ is King
Be open
We speak to nations
Fall on your knees
We speak to nations
The kingdom is coming near to you
Oh we speak to strongholds
Be broken
Power of darkness
You have to flee
We speak to nations
The kingdom is coming near to you
We speak to you
Be free be free
Hear the sound
The sound of the nations worshipping
Hear the sound
Of sons and daughters singing
We will go for you
We will shout to the corners of the earth
That Christ is King
We, then, just spent a little time in worship. There was
such joy and peace as the wind blew across the water and our boat… It was on my
heart to play my go-to happy song… these days. ;) “O Happy Day” by Jesus
Culture. I came off the upper deck and several of us began to dance. Heidi and
I were laughing and dancing. Pastor Jerry was two stepping across the hull. Mrs.
Susan had stood to clap and there was such joy on her face, I went and asked
for a dance… She kind of looked at me shyly, but took my hand and we had a
wonderful jaunt across the deck. Laughter filled our hearts and the boat.
"Happy Day"
The greatest day in history, death is beaten
You have rescued me
Sing it out, Jesus is alive
The empty cross, the empty grave
Life eternal, You have won the day
Shout it all, Jesus is alive
He's alive
Oh happy day, happy day
You washed my sin away
Oh happy day, happy day
I'll never be the same
Forever I am changed
When I stand, in that place
Free at last, meeting face to face
I am Yours, Jesus You are mine
Endless joy and perfect peace
Earthly pain finally will cease
Celebrate Jesus is alive
He's alive
Oh what a glorious day
What a glorious way
That You have saved me
Oh what a glorious day
What a glorious name
Mari shared with the boat that she had asked Daddy to look
around. Was this not exactly who he would want to be with if he was having a
party? (Of course there were some of you missing), but everyone on this trip
was joyful just to be where God wanted them for that moment. All of your
friends are here. There aren’t any weirdies having breakdowns or people we all
have to keep an eye on… or anyone complaining… we are all just happy to be here
with you.
It was the truth.
…but that was before
we experienced the next day… Tune in for more. ;)
Thanks for sharing! It's so mice to be a part of your trip.